Tuesday 23 November 2010

movie mania

Right so this weeks been great so far.

well what’s happened, I’ve completed my modern grade 5 dance so that's out of the hand just need to practice the exercise and I’m ready for the two weeks time exam, plus gone through the ballet steps for the tarantella again because I wasn't to sure on that as well.

English were watching titanic so gave me a little bit of time to complete course. I know it's only Tuesday but I have high hopes for the rest of the week. Planned to help get my man flu friends out of bed and back in school so they don't fail their examined then life.

No need four guys and girls. These words coming from the horse very own mouth. I relied I’ve got really good male chums u love me too much to ruin that relationship by going down that road of lust, romance and heart break.

Alright the only reason I agree with prince William wedding is the 29th of April mean i get a summer holidays long holiday yereeka.

Alright movie time je door harry potter loved the movie can't wait for the rest to come out. Definitely buying the whole sager when they create it. Doesn’t matter about cost I’m in there.

My line ups heavy this Christmas so blogging going to be off the hook.

"I would really like a clap on light new phrase clap on"

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